The Rocks

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Why is this dirt so heavy?

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Sifting and Leveling

I know I needed to level the sides of the pond all the way around the top. If the top isn't level then you will have line showing all around the low sides of the pond. This is a non-negotiable area. The top of the pond must be level.

The screened stud frame in the top left of the picture was something I put together to sift the rock out of the soil. I am about half way through sifting in this picture and now I know why this dirt was so heavy coming out of the hole.

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There are Rocks ....

These are some of the rocks that didn't needed to be sifted out of the dirt. They will eventually be used as a retaining wall around the back of the small water fall I will attempt adding to the pond after the pond is complete.

I wonder are these rocks or is it possible ROCKZILLA is not a he but a she.. "EGGS", ya think, nah!

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... Then there are Rocks

All sifted! This 12 foot long 2 foot wide 10" pile are the stones that were sifted from all the surrounding soil. I am open to any ideas that anyone has as to what to do with these "ZILLA" droppings.

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Got enough Rocks ... NOT!

Now you would think with all the rocks, stones and the nature of New England that there would not be a shortage of rocks. Well the edging I have in mind need more! Even though I knew I had to "BUYING ROCKS" in New England seemed like something I didn't want to tell anyone about. Well here you see what 2600 pound of small blue garden tumblers look like. We will get to know each of these guys personally.


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